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Mebers Listing

Members Listing

Types of Membership

•“Participating Membership” open to any agency operating with public funds such as health care institutes, educational institutes, government agencies, boards or commissions - expected to attend and be involved in the meetings, act as a project lead for commodities. 


•“Non-Participating Membership” open to any agency operating with public funds such as health care institutes, educational institutes, government agencies, boards or commissions - no obligation to attend the meetings, will not have voting privileges and cannot act as a project lead for commodities.

Member Meetings

•The Executive Committee meets bi-monthly. Planning and strategic initiatives are discussed, and options brought to the general membership meeting for comment and vote.


•The general membership meets bi-monthly, typically alternating months from the executive meeting. Watch for your invite with agenda. Ongoing items and new business is discussed.


•All meetings have been virtual since 2020. A virtual attendance option is likely to remain, but the collaborative does intend to reintroduce some in person meetings (we all miss the annual breakfast meeting at an eatery in the GBA!).

List of Current Members
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